London! November 14-15!

By mieladmin / On / In Movement, Publishing, Supplies for readers & writers


We’re so so so so so excited to bring fresh-from-the-press copies of Diadem Me and Uncle Zoltán (along with new broadsides, prints, our 2015 calendar, lots of greeting cards, and of course our other books) to the London Small Publishers’ Fair. November 14 and 15, 11-7 (but we’ll be leaving early on the Saturday; need to catch the last train back to Belgium). As usual, it’s in Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, and admission is free. We’d love to see you there.

The Material Word: Saison Poetry Library Open Day

By mieladmin / On / In Books, Movement, Publishing

nancy campbell arctic alphabet miel Our edition of Nancy Campbell’s How To Say I Love You in Greenlandic: An Arctic Alphabet is part of the Saison Poetry Library’s Material Word exhibit. The edition itself is nearly sold out: we have ten remaining copies! We’ll be bringing Nancy’s book and many others to the Small Publishers’ fair in London, November 14-15 (Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, from 11-7 both days—although on Saturday we’ll be leaving early to get the last train back to Belgium).

How To Say I Love You in Greenlandic Nancy Campbell MIEL

All our 2014 and 2015 books have been acquired/will be acquired by the Saison Poetry Library. From the Saison’s website: “[the] Library, whose holdings go back to 1912, was established by the Arts Council in 1953 and speakers at the opening included TS Eliot and Herbert Read. After having homes across London the Library moved to Southbank Centre in 1988. Over the years the focus on poetry from around the world translated into English has increased, as has the children’s collections, poetry on audio and the collection of poetry magazines. The Library now holds over 200,000 items and is the largest collection of modernnancy campbell arctic alphabet miel and contemporary poetry in the UK.” We are pleased and proud that MIEL books will be held in this collection!

Call for Submissions: Caesarean Birth Anthology

By mieladmin / On / In Movement, Publishing

From Rachel Moritz, author of a forthcoming MIEL chapbook, this call for essays on Caesarean births. (Note that this will not be published by MIEL—just signal-boosting.)

Call for submissions

We seek personal essays from individuals who have had C-Section births for an anthology that will be submitted to publishers in spring 2015.

While birth stories will likely be an important component of many essays, the anthology will focus on reflections during the months or years following a C-section. For instance, how has Caesarean birth, whether planned or unplanned, influenced your perspective on motherhood/parenthood, the body, the medical establishment, or natural birth stories? As three mothers who have noted a dearth in literature about the post C-Section experience after the first six weeks, we are looking for essays that articulate multifaceted perspectives not widely represented in popular or medical writing. We seek fresh conversations across identifications of race and ethnicity, age, class, gender, sexuality, and ability.

Essays should be no more than 15 double-spaced pages and submitted as a Word document to Please include e-mail contact information and a short bio. Questions should also be directed to this email address.

Deadline: February 28, 2015.

Our role as editors will be to discern connections and intriguing dissonance among the essays, as well as to converse with writers about their pieces. Submissions, however, should be polished and in final form. Any revisions we request will be minor.


Amanda Fields is a Pushcart-nominated writer whose work has been published in Indiana Review, Brevity, Superstition Review, and others. She co-edited Toward, Around, and Away from Tahrir: Tracking Expressions of Emerging Egyptian Identity (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014). She gave birth to her daughter via C-Section in 2013.

Kathleen Glasgow‘s work has appeared in The Cimarron Review, Bellingham Review and many other journals. She writes for The Writer’s Almanac and lives in Saint Paul, MN. Her daughter was born in November, 2012; her son was born in June, 2008. Both children were delivered via C-section.

Rachel Moritz is the author of the poetry collection Borrowed Wave, forthcoming from Kore Press. Her work has appeared in American Letters and Commentary, Colorado Review, Iowa Review, Verse Daily, and other journals. She edits poetry for Konundrum Engine Literary Review. Her son was born via C-Section in 2010.