We received about a hundred and fifty manuscripts in June, for which thank you. They have all been read once; over the next two weeks, I’ll read them again and draw up a list of finalists by the end of July. (Rejection letters will go out by the end of July.) Out of the finalists, I’ll choose the manuscripts for our 2016-17 list.
The manuscripts are incredibly strong this year, very varied, very interesting. Many demonstrate a compelling deftness with form. In content, manuscripts ranged from the very lyric to the confessional to the conceptual. The balance this year was heavily to poetry—about two thirds—so if you have a prose chapbook manuscript, do consider sending it to us next June.
However the list ends up, it has been a real pleasure to get acquainted with your writing, and it will be very, very difficult to decide whose work will best fit our plans for the coming year(s). (You can read about why I limit our list here.) Thank you.