Lots in the MIEL pipeline: here’s a sketch.
In July and August we’ll be on tour in the US as our editor launches her second collection. If you’re in one of the cities we’ll be in, we’d love to see you—come to an event (they’ll all be listed on that page as soon as details are firm) or maybe meet us for a cup of tea somewhere. We’d love to see you.
We’re now within to our open reading period, which began June 1! Read our extensive and overly picky guidelines and then send us your stuff. We do have a €10 reading fee this year—we need to cover Submittable fees and the publication of the books we choose—but we’ll send you a copy of one of our in-stock chapbooks in return.
Later this year we’ll be putting out a chapbook containing a long poem by Shana Youngdahl, and we can’t wait. The designs are already in process—let me just say printed vellum and handmade paper are making appearances here. Jonathan’s already getting antsy thinking about all that hand-binding. We’re aiming for a September launch.
We’ll be in London on September 6-7 for a reading and for Free Verse. Can’t wait! This is a great event, and this year it’s in Conway Hall on Red Lion Square—an equally great space. Come by if you’re in London then (and don’t worry, we’ll remind you!).
We’re also looking forward to publishing a chapbook of prose by Vanessa Ramos, a short collection of fragments by George Szirtes, and a very special book-object by Nancy Campbell.
And, of course, we’re excited for our writers’ retreat in November (and plans are afoot to raise money to provide at least partial scholarships—more about that soon).
That all will take us almost all the way up to the new year—at which point we hope to be hard at work on our next monograph, photographs by Andrew Schroeder, and of course on whatever the reading period this June brings to our list.
Thanks (unutterably full of thanks) for the support you lend—by your visits here, by your purchases, by your submissions and your reviews. We appreciate it hugely.